I always loved Firefox and still loving it .. I had so much expectations with google and chrome but it was not what i expected for so i think so still Firefox is leading and far more better thn chrome :) Thanks PHYza
I just downloaded them both and I like them both almost equally. Well, I actually like Chrome better because it's simple and fast. I guess they both have had security issues, but I will say Chrome is my preference.
Chrome is much better than Firefox because Firefox is slightly heavier than chrome that's why i am suggesting to use chrome instead of Firefox.i love this browser:D
I would much rather use Firefox than Google Chrome because i've been using Firefox for what 2 years now and then Google Chrome just pops out of no where and every one starts using it lol i don't understand whats so special about the damn browser anyways.. it only crashes on me!
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After an initial boot , If I turn off the pc immediately , everything runs perfectly but if I wait , let's say , 30 minutes or more , the shutdown sequence takes more than 20 minutes
please help me on this please
Chrome is the new browser and its up there, which one do you think is better? I still like FF better but chrome comes close !